21 June 2009

a new start

hey there! :)

this is not my first time creating a blog, I've had a few blogs before but didn't have much progress as I was too lazy or simply didn't have time to blog. I want to create one again, because I'm bored. Or maybe I just want to challenge myself to keep my blog alive for more than 2 months. lol..

alright, i shall write a short summary of myself..

  1. I love music. Lots. Listen to almost any kind of music but mostly to japanese songs.
  2. I love reading. Lots. Read books, magazines, manga. Mostly mystery/suspense/action/adventure books and manga. Magazines are those about MUSIC and Movies.
  3. I love spending my time on the computer. Not as tech-savvy as some, but I feel there's a need to try out new things sometimes.
  4. I love Japan. Lots. Mostly it's because of their music.
And that's about all for my self-introduction.. I think the main reason for this blog is to record my journey of finding new bands/songs or anything related to the subject on MUSIC.
I'm not a musically inclined person, I don't know how to read music or learned how to read music. I just listen to songs, because I like to. :) lol..