29 July 2009

still feeling a little..

ache around my body.. super tired after NAPFA.. just for this 1 day, we have to strain every part of our body to the limits just to reach the passing mark.. at least i tried my best already.. :) and i'm glad it's over.. i know that no clover leaf in this world can help me to pass, only by practicing and training everyday then will i be able to do it.. but since i didn't do any of these, i don't expect a miracle to appear.. just hope i don't fail too badly either..

~ sorry clover, not even you can help me. ~

just found out that the subbed ver. of SID on MUSIC FAIR was recently posted.. but i'm too lazy to put it here.. just to translate what they were talking about in the first part of the video.. they wanted to know what's the origin of their band's name, SID.. but mao told them it was a secret.. and as for aki he went to eat oysters with tegoshi from NEWS, if i'm not mistaken.. and when the hosts asked them if they were all around the same age, mao said it was a secret.. :D LOL.. he and his secrets..

going to post more videos.. suddenly very addicted to RADWIMPS.. haha.. :)
RADWIMPS - 叫べ (sakebe)

RADWIMPS - One Man Live

hehe.. i just found a lj community about RADWIMPS.. good thing it's an open community or else i wouldn't want to join if it was a private one.. yeah, i know everyone wants to have their privacy.. so i guess i won't bother them.. besides all those communities that i joined, i've never contibuted any stuff.. i just go to check if they have any icon updates and news.. :]

RADWIMPS - 37458

RADWIMPS - メルヘンとグしーテル

i guess that's all the time i have for today.. will try to blog again soon.. :)


P.S: did you notice how many smileys i put today?? because i'm in a good mood.. :D haha