08 July 2009

YES!! ^^ AT LAST ...

i've found a new video of SID hikari Type A.. :D although it's only running for 2 mins+ it has already made my day.. thanks to subbedSIDvideos at yt! :) all the hard work in translating and subbing the videos.. ありがとうございます!お疲れさまでした...

SID - Shady Business  うさん臭い商法

with that, i can safely end my entry for today..

or maybe not.. :) feeling rather mischievous now.. haha.. shall put some pics..

it was raining SUPER heavily in the late morning and early afternoon today.. >.<
the weather is fine now.. thank goodness.. ^0^

i like watching clouds.. ever since i started listening to mayday.. clouds are like cottoncandy.. soft and fluffy.. except rainclouds.. i don't like those..

i will remember to do this.. it's good for health.. :)

i will try not to be too picky about food.. :P

i will try to get at least 7-8hrs of sleep everyday..
it's healthy.. (u_u) -zzZZ

with that.. i will really end this entry..