13 August 2009

Is it Live, Or it it Kimeku?

lol.. my title today is actually from a website that made slogans.. there were many slogans generated with the word 'kimeku' that i typed.. some were really funny..
maybe i shall use the other slogans as my titles for my posts next time..
but only when i'm bored.. :)

but don't i always sound bored? :X
=_=''' eh~

spent the past hour listening to songs.. in a very random way..
and it went like this:
Jet -> Simple Plan -> Nightmare -> SID -> MUCC -> Plastic Tree -> Kra

lol.. only watched the MUCC pv for the first 26secs.. i couldn't stand it because of the screaming.. lol.. they actually have a genre for it, called: screamo :D haha..

Plastic Tree is alright, but i don't like how the vocalist sounds; like he's straining his voice to sing.. but they are much better than MUCC.. yeah!

currently watching Kra - Love Lab pv.. i've heard of them before but never listened to their songs yet.. so far, it's not bad.. they are VK too, but have become a major band.. just like SID..
and they share a few similarities with SID too.. 4 members, genre: pop, rock and some jazz..

although Kra came out in the music scene in 2001, i wonder why i never heard of them until after i learnt of SID then i became more familiar with the VK bands..
SID debuted in 2003.. the first VK band that i like.. :D

oh, and i read the news that Big Bang is going to perform at the Budokan on Nov 4th..
ah~ they are so previleged to be performing there.. :)

ha.. gotta go now.. will be back soon!!