07 August 2009

today i went..

to Kinokuniya at Orchard.. if i were to call it a disaster, it would be a overstatement. if i were to call it a great shopping spree, it would be a understatement. so let me just call it an in-between.
the overall feeling after i came home, was neutral. just like water pH7.

talking about water 水 , let me side-track a bit.. it was during yesterday's lesson..
we were talking about acidic substances.. so the first word that comes to my mind was "chemistry"
>.< dang! it's that subject. not again!! nightmare ナイトメア .. (sorry, no pun included)

and i really suck at that subject.. it has been like 2 years since i last touched a chemistry book..
so t'cher asked a qn:
if you had a make-up foundation with these 3 diff types of pH, which one will be the best to use?
1) pH 5.5
2) pH 7
3) pH 12

i said, aloud: pH5.5

like duh right?! 5.5 is safe right? i know water is pH 7.. i think pH 12 use already no more face later.. and it was only after my friend told me that pH 1 was the most acidic and pH 14 was the most alkaline then i knew what went wrong..
:P haha..

i think in my past life if i was a Caucasian, i would have been a dumb blonde.. haha.. :)
because i remembered doing an fb quiz last time, 'what colour should your hair be?' and my result was blonde. i love that hair colour alot.. (so now you know why i really like マオ& あき when they had that hair colour.. of course i still like them now..)

science was one of my weakest subjects in school last time.. >.<
math too, no denying it..
i wonder why my recent posts have been all about myself..
maybe i've started to get use to blogging and may start opening myself up a little more??
hmm, we'll have to wait and see.. ;)

i really wanna hear シド new single, . haha.. reminds me of the person not the season though.. same pronounciation.. :D
あ~ 11 days more till my next CA2..
*sorry there are no videos today!
current music: ヨゴレタ指 - シド