14 November 2009

100th post!

this is my hundredth post! finally i reached the almost impossible level! :D
congrats to myself for that. :P

i just came across this disturbing article on lj

i'm not a fan of cigarettes. but it's pretty ironic that my japanese idols are smokers. lol..
it's only the music that i like, smoking is the part that i hate about them. damn those (cigarette) sticks. :(

this is not the only disturbing news that i have.

i have to work tomorrow.

i know i'm stupid, making mistakes like that.

i just dug a grave for myself by signing that paper.

black and white - singapore law


damn for being so weak..

on the happier note,  i'm enjoying the manga Rave.. :) it's funny..

Plue is so cute. that thing with a cone nose.

i'm going to the airport tomorrow! whee~ going to treat my family to a great dinner!
hope everything goes well!