24 December 2009

nobody will miss me when i'm gone.

today is Christmas Eve. :)
to my amazement time really flies.
2 months ago i was still adjusting myself to this new - temporary lifestyle, but now i'm so used to it. it feels like school.
today was my last day at the warehouse. :(
starting from next Monday, i will be posted at the office.
end of a old chapter, start of a new one.

by the way, it has been raining like crazy the past weeks.
i'm so not liking it. >:(

watching this makes me want to play Super Mario.. :)
Super Mario Wii, that is. :D

oh, and i almost forgot.. when i was at HMV last Sunday, i tried my hand at playing Gran Turismo on the PSP.
i naturally suck at car-racing games and many others. but i can say, it was fun. :)
i've never played a PSP before, so yeah~. Yes, i'm damn out-dated. :P

the PSP was black. i like.

i wanna get a Nintendo DS i.
in my dreams that might be possible. :)

have to eat my dinner now! perhaps i will play Super Mario Bros 3 later on my gameboy SP.. haha..