i was almost not able to update my blog today. thankfully for the radio, i woke up. LOL..
i was tired.. ah~
alright i shall start my second entry for my monthly column now.
this month's topic is: Courage.
it was quite hard to think about this topic,but i will try to explain what it means to me.
one small example can be seen if you reflect back to the very first day of school this year.
i remember seeing mothers walking their children to the bus-stop waiting for the school buses to bring them to school. some of the children would be afraid to leave their mother's side. but finally they would have to leave their mother and go to school. at the end of the day when it's time to go back home, all the mothers and some fathers would either go to school to collect their children or wait at the bus-stop for the school bus to come.
it's quite touching to see a child running into their parents arms. although i may not be sure what they are thinking, both parties must have felt some sort of relief and pride. the child's being able to face a whole day at school outside the comforts of his/her home and the absence of his/her parents. while the parents' being able to get through a day maybe worrying a little if their child is doing at school, but ultimately at the end when they see their child returning home safely that's all that matters.
the following passage is mostly pointed towards the religious perspective.
but courage can not only be seen in that way. courage is by walking the talk. no matter if others go the opposite way and the crowd seems to be pushing you with it, have a strong stand and go onward to the other way. the other way meaning God's way. besides reading His Word people who call themselves Christians should follow in his footsteps to lead a life that is Christ-like. it is normal to claim that it's a difficult task because we are after all human only. but by having courage and receiving strength through the reading of His Word, we are slowly but surely walking in the right direction. if people who call themselves Christians just talk the talk but not walk it, they might as well be called hypocrites. because their words have no value when there are no actions put to it.
Trust and obey for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus is to trust and obey.
i can admit that most of the Christians nowadays are a little hypocritical some time or another. but thankfully God is merciful enough to forgive us, that's where the Holy Communion comes into the picture. but we must remember that just because He is merciful we can continue living our lives however we like. Courage is like a drop of ink into a beaker of water. just a small drop can make such a difference in the water's colour within a minute. if we start walking in a Christ-like direction we are sure that we can lead others along the way.