13 February 2010


the wait is over.


i prefer this pv to one way's pv..
this pv has a antique, classic sort of feel..
gives me the image of being in England.. 
maybe because of the mirrors everywhere..

hmph.. can't describe it exactly but this pv was definitely one of their best, in my opinion
it's like how their older pvs were filmed..

:) i'm going to hear their new song for the whole of this holiday..

so happy that their hikari tour document dvd and book are out already..
unfortunately i may have to wait very long if it was shipped here..
so i may not be able to buy it..
anyway, i'm looking forward to the March issue of WHAT'S IN..
because they are on the cover!! hee :D 

their image has grown over the years.. so loving their style now..

i want to get it..
and i will tell myself to read it.
or at least die trying.
then it would be considered worth while.