28 February 2010

it won't hurt just to give a little love right?

today's the day once again.
but i seem to have forgotten what was my topic on.
:( doh!

oh well, i guess i should just go with love.

This month is usually associated with love because of Valentines Day.
However, love is more than just for couples.
there's also family love -
which is associated with the Chinese New Year celebration where relatives gather together to catch up with each other and bond over food and gossip.

money is the root of all evil.. i think this quote should be changed to love is the root of all evil.
if you join the 2 words together it will link like this:

no matter which word you start with, it will still link.
i don't say that love is really a bad thing.
but the love of materialistic things is the root of all evil.

because we are so captivated by the man-made beauty of this world, we fail to behold nature's beauty and often end up in her wrath.
but by the time her fury ends, it's too late to restore order.

i thought of this..
if you seperate both words and look at them individually both words have a difference of 1 alphabet.

love  "o" reprents a circle, which also represents my friends, family.
evil   "i" is the selfish little me. where i only think about myself and not caring about others.

makes sense to me..
love by itself has power to change anything.
evil by itself has the power to destroy anything.