19 April 2010

first day!

it reminds me of the song, and i wish it could have the same feeling as the song.. but unfortunately today didn't give me that. perhaps it was the extensive break in between the initial lesson and the final lesson for the day. i was dozing off during the last hour in school!

i will end at the same time for the first 3 days and the subsequent days will be 2pm and 4pm (a tad bit earlier). i saw many sec schoolmates in school today. but i didn't greet them because i was rushing~ hope that i can meet them again soon. it's quite calming to see familiar faces in a new environment.

i will do my best!!
let's keep the spirit UP!

oh, recently i read that SID had to postpone their Zepp Osaka concert because Yuuya fell sick. poor thing!
it seems like forever for June to come. i wannt to see their single!!