16 August 2010

good evening!

today's weather was the most dramatic of all the rainy days i've ever seen in my life.
it came down long and hard in the late morning all of a sudden, much to my dislike.
as it gradually came to a stop i took some pictures.

have you ever seen how the raindrops look like before they crash down right before your eyes and land on the ground with a plop?

that's what i tried to find out and tried to snap some pictures.
this is my answer:
can you see the small droplets of water on the corners? that is the rain.
i was holding my phone in different angles so the pictures came out upside down.

here's another picture, its a little more visible in this one:
water is colourless, therefore you can see it fades into the sky colour.

how about raindrops that are stuck and waiting to be free? have you seen those type before?
here, i have this to show you:
many little droplets sitting side by side.
slowly, very slowly 
they grow bigger and bigger 
until they can hold themselves up no longer, 
they drop!

wet wet!!

after 2 months of busying myself with school, i will have a chance to go star-gazing once again!!
this time, it's off to CSM!
hopefully i'll get to have good photos of the group this Friday!
what group?
find out soon!

will update soon!