08 September 2011


yesterday i went to Kino and got it!

introducing the: Biscuit Camera

vanilla biscuit camera

it's so tiny!

"nya~ i'm bigger than it!"


just to make it clear.

this is a toy camera so it's functions are quite limited.

one thing i like about it is that it is digital!
no film needed!

this definitely saves time and money but some disadvantages are...

~the quality isn't as good as a typical camera or handphone camera.

~no zoom function

~lighting is important, pictures in day time better than night.

here is  a example

too dark.. can barely make it out, it's nougat

collage of 3 sets of pictures

as the name suggests its just a toy,
so if you want quality think again.

but it's a cute thing on the whole.

you can hang it on your bag or pouch as a keychain.

and yesterday night, i saw pictures of Itsuka cover

SID members are on the cover, finally!!

i don't think they have ever used their picture on their single covers..

teeny tiny pic..
ver A reminds me of cosmetic
ver B reminds me of nidome no kanojo
ver C reminds me of one way

me and my way of viewing stuff...

the covers for SIDNAD Vol. 7 are out as well..

itsy bitsy pic again..

hopefully on PATI PATI  they will have bigger images..

when musicnet uploads the new issue i will post the pic here~

can't waittttttt!!!!!!!

and before it slip my mind

Teenage Big Day Out 2011~

happening this weekend, Saturday and Sunday (11-12 Sep) at Illuma Bugis.

i might want to go on Sunday because it's the cosplay competition.

Saturday is the K-pop Dance competition.

see how~

schedule of the events is here:
teenage-big day out 2011 schedule

see yo all soon~