23 October 2011

back to...

the anime-zone.

yesterday, i was stuck on the googlebox alot at night.

i watched hakuoki ep 2, Natsume Yuujinchou Season 3 ep 1 and Cul Jpn!

*o* = nosebleed

all the characters are so hot!


i think the seiyuu for kondo is funny just like in Gintama.

Chizuru is so moe...

culture japan! Anime Expo special!
the Keroro mascot is so cute!
i love Keroro..

didn't manage to get screen shots of many cosplayers.
but many of them were awesome!

aww... i luv their kawaii-ness

next i watched Gintama epp 225...

gin-san in prison~
 he has a pissed off face because kagura told him, it would be a minimum of 2 years in jail.
he was locked up because he brought 2 underage persons (kagura & shinpachi) to an adult building (brothel).


the last show i watched was Natsume.
i didn't know it was into it's 3rd season already.
Fast ne~

sensei(madaru), natsume, yourei(obaa-chan)

i like such fantasy, supernatural animes...
like Inuyasha with all the monsters transforming etc.
Madaru's actual form is a wolf like monster.

looks abit like Inuyasha's brother when tranformed...

but i still like Madaru in his nyan-ko (cat) form!

totoro bagpack for children

super cute!
i wanted to post this previously on that dinner @ Harbourfront post.
one of the great grandchildren had this exact bag.

it's so soft and cute!!