01 October 2011

it had been postponed

my guitar class has been postponed.

til Nov.

meanwhile, I shall practice whatever I can self-learn from the book.

here's a pic of my guitar

acoustic guitar~

i like the color! it's actually a little lighter but the light wasn't good in this pic..



ignoring the background, look at the vein!

lol... it should look normal on guys...
some people think its unsightly for girls to have such hands..

my hand looks abnormally small. ガ━━(゚Д゚;)━━ン!


my fatty fingers :P
so fatty!~

Shinji and Aki have long and slim fingers...

i also want... (>_< )イヤッ( >_<)イヤッ


guess it's in the genes.


i saw a post on fb wall that SID might be releasing their 10th single on 7/12...

excited!  (・w・)

i hope its true...

Base Ball Bear released a new single
Tabibito in the Dark pv
Yusuke (vo.) is a one man show.
his hair is a little mushroom now.

shall post a NICO touches the walls live video
Broken Youth

all i can say about Tatsuya (vo.)... his voice is unique!
a bit of Rock n'Roll sound...
and his english is pretty good.

shall end here for today!
