06 October 2011

it is certain!


SID will be releasing another single this year!

it will be released in December!

wonder if it will sound festive since it's the month of Christmas?

i can't wait!


this week has passed so fast, it's Thursday now.

..・ヾ(。 ̄□ ̄)ツ ギャァ!!

i'm still unsure if i should get the $48 tix or not...


can AFA pls hurry up release the full schedules of the programme...


waiting dries you up eventually.


to go or not to go?!

but my priority is usually the cosplay competition...

the Anisong is ok... eye-opener since it will be the first time...

and i only realized (foolish) that the concert starts at 7pm.

comparing to last year's AFA that i went, they did the same thing.

holding it after most people have left the festival area.

if i do go on Sat, (and i presume that the cosplay competition will be on Sunday)
that means i have to buy tickets for both days?

 ̄Д ̄

must remember i still have church on Sun, and i wonder what time i will get back after the concert if i do go.

i know this worry is not necessary but i still...

must plan my money usage wisely!

money breeds greed.


right here, i would like to do a comparison.
(there might be others who have noticed this too.. but i'm just slogging to show it to those who have not ever attended AFA...)

let's take a look at the things you get at the entrance of the festival hall...

difference is... colour?!

since AFA started in 2008 they definitely had to make it cheaper...
the increase in tix prices are very alarming.
but the invitation of the number of overseas artistes do cover the cost.

the picture is small but in 2008 tix for fest were $5 while the fest & stage were $8
freakin affordable...
i bet even the primary school kids could afford it with their savings...

i didn't go for AFA 2009 so i don't know how much or if there was a price influx.

then came the Anisong concerts...
this was the mind-blowing part.

suddenly out popped out packages for tix.
i felt like it was more of a travel fair! lol!!
plus, this year they expanded it to 3 days!!!

last year's fest: $8 , fest & stage: $15 and the concert tix was $55

you can count the difference...

this year's price ranges are insane... (++)

(if you plan on going... here are the prices from the official site. AFA ticketing )
you can also check out sistic as they are selling the Anisong tix...

event floor map and adverts in the programme schedule

they used Suntec Halls 403 and 404 in 2008...
for the past year they were using halls 401 and 402..
i presume that they stick to the same venue this year?

also, they stopped using wristbands as it's kinda wasting resources and killing trees?!
they used chops instead... wait! i remembered wearing pink wristbands last year??!

ok, i think they used both?! umm.. i preferred wristbands i don't like chops...
hard to wash off sometimes..

*complain complain*

still i will go!

have to do some deep thinking~   ( ̄ω ̄;)エートォ...
