14 October 2012

these days

it's getting more expensive to live.

everywhere you go, the food, clothes, toys, gadgets are all sure to blow the pocket.

i think i have finally understood the meaning of financial instability.

when i sometimes get haunted by the voices of peers that remind me to return moolah because this year is the  time when i have to spend alot on presents.

but i'm getting through this, my pay will come.... soon.

next week no lest!

and i only found out like 10 mins ago the ticket prices for AFA'12 have been announced.

it's $8 for the Fest only access, which i'm happy to say hasn't changed for the past 5 years?

but the Fest and Main stage access ticket cost $20.


why so expensive?

maybe because i went to the j-live lives that's why i'm feel so money-less.

i need to WAIT some more till the schedules come out to see if its worth to get the $20 tix.
does it mean i might have to forgo the cosplay competition?

i don't really remember what were the other activities that were held on the main stage.
i only went there to see the cosplay.


right, i will still try to take more pictures!!

just yesterday i went to another friend's 21st..

yay!!! got polaroid with her!!!

after like... almost 5 years, when i finally meet up with my ex-classmates
it seems everyone has matured and grown prettier.

i still feel somewhat kiddish.

still not matured mentally.

is that a bad thing?
