25 December 2012

have yourself a merry christmas~


Merry Christmas!!

been so busy with MP that time just flies and today is already Christmas.
less than a week to the new year 2013!

just some pictures...

me at work!
lol... it's just the safety gear needed to wear before entering the warehouse~


Hearts tree at United Square

    the sun was too bright so the star on the tree disappeared!

went to my relative's place on Sunday afternoon for a Christmas lunch

Shaun says: "Baa!! Merry Christmas!~ BAA!"

Jia Jia and Kai Kai... had a baby?

maybe it will come true next year!


i'm so full of lame jokes..

ladybug! so cute~
it was crawling really fast under the leaves and all..

managed to take only this shot...

but i realised it's not macro enough...


the koi fishes are so fat!

some are huge too~

more koi!

haha.. ok...

i've been watching a new k-drama, school 2013.

but its new still so i'm only finished ep 6.

i want to watch yoo chun's new drama, Missing You.

and kiki told me that Kyary Pamyu Pamyu will be coming to SG for her world tour.


wonder which other artistes J-Live Asia will bring next year?