15 December 2012


going to make this post about SID.

yes, its been a long while since i post stuff about them, though i mentioned them briefly last time..

just went to check their site because i know they changed their picture on the site.

saw Mao's twitter picture... hahaha...

*currently listening to their Sentimental  Macchiato album


they have a whole line of stuff in conjunction with their 10th Anniversary.

i'm just hoping its not the bad news in the end.

i know i know! choi choi!!! they are never going to break up and all that.

but as they say, Never say never. Expect the unexpected.

so i just look forward to whatever they throw at the fans.

they already announced their BEST album so i was really happy!!

all their old singles and hits (mostly for the animes) are in it!


so many songs!!


and the number of songs with melody written by Yuya is so little!

oh well, but at least they are hits!

BEST ALBUM covers~

i think cover C is nice but its the regular edition.


think the albumm will only appear in HMV by Jan end?

shipping is so slow~!

i also saw the goods they had released, M&W special goods.

they were released after the M&W preview goods.

ah, the special goods are so much better!

Mao fish!

the M&W towel!
so cute!

parody of M&M candy wrapper

cross pendant
it looks like the jewellery they produced with with that gem cerey in 2008..
i remember the item they produced

Mao: necklace with star and crown
Aki: earring with rose (1 side)
Shinji: 2 rings (can be worn together as one)
Yuya: bangle

found a video of their cm...

realized many other artists also collab with gem cerey to release accessories..

and on their webpage, they have a special site for their 10th Anniversary...
so far, only released 3 things...
7 more to go~

 makes me wonder what are the missing things

although it may not come true, i'm wishing they have a bigger overseas concert.

although they held a concert in Taiwan, i'm happy too...

but still its so far!

net week is going to be crazyyyyyy

i need my bubble tea fix soon...

will ta-han~