25 January 2013

every 25th

i've made a new year resolution!

that is.... to only drink bb tea every 25th of the month for this year!

must discipline and have self-control!!!

but its scary to go to the extend of self-harm in order to restrain myself.

therefore, i shall also try my best to read the scriptures more often.

resolutions are a form of discipline to reach for goals.

I believe i can do it!
( ゚▽゚)/ 
today was an impromptu meet up with kimeki. o(≧∇≦o)(o≧∇≦)o

6 headed dragon.

after trying out Mao's curry (Coco Ichiban), i have started to try different types of curry rice.

we went to Ion and ate lunch at Monster Curry~

previously there was Huhu Udon and Go Go Curry... but i think they moved out...

so in it;s place is Monster Curry~

Shrimp curry~

the size of the plate is HU-GE~

the curry is on the sweet side when the chilli is not mixed yet...
the chilli is abit like McDee's chilli garlic sauce...

the portion is fit for a dragon~

i couldn't finish, left about 1/4 of the rice...

but it was oishii~ o(=^○^=)o
we went to Far East Plaza, we didn't go there for a long while.
it's like a mini bugis, but there are more blogshops there...
so the quality is more atas

there's quite alot of shoe shops and accessories...
maybe one day can go again~

after the main exams...

tried Green milk tea from KOI.

it was quite nice actually, thought it would be weird but its good~

an acquired taste, just like green tea yakult

after that we went to HMV~

SID BEST album~ ver. C
all their hits in one CD
but i won't buy it since i know all the songs there.
we went to the arcade .*・;・^;・:\(*^▽^*)/:・;^・;・*. 
Hello Kitty panda with nordic bow
cute! not a HK fan, but the bow is cute..
spot the Moomin behind!

pooh with mickey mouse motif
looks naked... and out of place with all that pink in the background.

USAVICH bedroom slippers


wow, spotlight is on USAVICH~
so coincidence~

that is Putin~ the much cuter one... and a awesome mechanic

the numbers are the points to collect in order to redeem the prize...

the watch is cute~

it looks serious but the face is so cartoon-ish


i realize that smiggle sells quite a variety of items

and i found out it is from Australia.

also just found out that Root 5 is actually made up of Nico Nico singers.

no wonder they sound good~

and news is that Kyary Pamyu Pamyu will be heading here for a live soon...

i guess within Apr - May period...

since, J-Live Asia updated their page about her, i have a feeling they will be holding it at SCAPE.

exactly a month more till i can be relaxed for real!