17 October 2013

the disappearance of capsule machines

they are vanishing into thin air!

hopefully i can see more of it at AFA.

that just a small part of my post-rant.

what i want to show is...

TA-DA!~ ^^

the day that gintama arrives in SG!~~


so wanna watch it...

can't wait!

and some random pictures

graffiti on the wall

what do you call this?



curry vegetable soup

its curry so they shouldn't call it soup

but its nice!

met up with the girls at hifumi at plaza sing

the buffet style of appetizers and drinks are nice~

everyone like the chawanmushi

yakisoba with cheese and egg

half my dinner for full shift yesterday

Nov will be coming soon and need to jia yous...

still got alot of things to learn and i need a calm heart and mind

the lack of it will get me into trouble

ok, bye for now