23 March 2014

back again!~

finally i am on my break...

missing my girls quite alot...
1 more week to go for this March

i wonder how my roster will be like next month.


random thoughts..

i might want to go for stgcc this year... because i haven't went for maybe 2 years or so?

since i invested quite alot in AFA...

not sure...

stgcc will be in September this year.

have to check if i have any financial problems pop up by 3/4 of the year...

by the way, AFA already released news of the dates for the event..

and can i say that i'm not pleased...

it's too late!~

L Why so far away?
December please come here soon!!

how can they push it so far?!

ok, fine its only a month from the usual time it was held..

but still!!~

i hope its going to be good.

that's why i might want to go to stgcc if i really can't wait

recently, i've been watching too much.. too many videos of people doing blind bag openings

it is not too good for me... since i'm quite influenced by stuff...

argh... >w<

so... today was another zelf hunt.. but with a real mission.

i went to peek below the cardboard coz i wanted to get a black hair and white one...

so i managed to find both...

they are really cute!!

Glittery Lunanne and Pearl Garny

they are so cute and they have wings too!

Lunanne in the Glitter Finish
Lunanne has pretty fairy wings in glitter too!

i thnk all the zelfs that have wings are in glitter...

Garny in the Pearl finish

i wanted to get her because she has black hair, like me.

yay, typical asian hair colour...

she has bat wings which is too cute!!

i really wanted angelala who has white hair too but it turned out to be Lunanne...

well, since i got 3 different zelfs with 3 different wings, i'm cool with that!

there is a series 2 that was released but i think it will take awhile to come here...

i have the urge to get the mlp diamond version?

the wave 9 bags...

there is the images of the ponies from wave 10 and they are super glittery...

wowee! might want to get it too!!

Hello! Aren't we cute!

and here's picture of the trio!

We are the zelfs!~ love yourzelf!


going out tomorrow, hope to have a good time!~

take care lovelies!!~