09 June 2014

good time at Malacca

but not without some minor riff-raffs

i think it still shows me that i'm still very naive about this world

being in the company of those who have many more years of experience,

makes you kind of look forward to see what the future holds for you

and yet the same time, the scary part is to not be bothered by the unknown which also comes with the future ahead

of course, it's hard to not be bothered. or maybe i shouldn't put it that way.

maybe it's better to say not to over think and worry about the "what might happen" and avoid the "what if..." thinking

over thinking too much will cloud the vision and makes things harder than it seems


well, so much for the "therapeutic talk"

shall just post some pictures from the trip

stop over at Yong Peng (Rong Cheng Restaurant)
the snack wholesaler opposite the Yong Peng
giant chandelier in the ballroom where the service and speaker sessions were held at

super pretty chandeliers

maybe it's a girl thing with the bling but i think almost always the girls will take in the decor and things like that

do males do that too?

i mean especially for chandeliers

just a thought

2 tvs in the room


quite alot of  channels too

it was unfortunate the view from our room was bad

opposite view was the other block of rooms

so the pictures below is from the window near the end of the corridor

the sea is just there!
the clouds are so nice!!

Panorama view from the window 

super bright and sunny in the afternoon

it is really hot and humid outside especially when we headed to Jonker Street

super crowded and just like Chinatown area in SG

went to buy milk tea and saw this sign in Japanese

its instructions in Japanese on how to order drinks


that's all for now...

lot's of things to do to prepare for this weekend
