09 July 2015


ふろく read as furoku literally means free gift

here's an informative post on kid's japanese magazine.

look out for the words ふろく on the cover
they usually give furoku in japanese magazines

i would say honestly this magazine, Youchien is targeted mostly to boys compared to other magazines.

overall i actually prefer the magazines targeted to the younger kids from 1 to 3 years.

however, since this magazine is for 3 to 6 years old it is obviously more informative and includes more reading and learning materials.

going back to the topic, the furoku

it comes in the box

the stickers for decoration comes in the magazine

stickers are normally termed as "シール"


here's a short clip i made when i tested out the projector

the toy uses 3 pieces of LR41 batteries

it's quite an interesting toy

also, it comes with a set of mini playing cards

you can play word games, scissor paper stone with the cards

the completed item

jibanyan card holder

my favourite characters are koma-san, komajiro and whisper!~

i made a gif of neko atsume...

when i started, i only had the common kitties

nyan nyan~

i recently have new upgraded toys and some new rare cat~

the special cat tower
many cats mean more fish!~

the currency in the game to buy more toys is in fish and when cats come to play in your backyard they leave fish!

the four way tube
butts and heads


car cardboard box
so much zen in this game

big cushion can seat 2 cats and the goldfish is so cute

rare cats~
the Egyptian cat is so relaxed

i will try to upload more pictures next time!~

especially for the rare cats!

i need to learn from these cats

the secret to being zen

yesterday's post was rather gloomy, i will try to improve my mood anyway

really seriously considering of my financial status

too much over expenditure last month


time to go off now, be back on my free day!~