09 August 2015

burns slower. last longer.

crazy long holiday for most people here, not me though.

bak to work tomorrow

my sleeping schedule is messed up.. :P

but it's fine i'll get through this

started watching gangsta. the anime

it's another favourite this year!~

whee!~ though i don't like the op song as much as the ed song, i'm loving the bgm throughout the anime

soothing jazz kind, or maybe it's called elevator music?


so far i have not read the manga for gangsta will try to.

i love the side characters alot.

although obviously the main characters are awesome as well.

don't particularly ship anyone yet, but gangsta. feels like it could be made into a live action.

just saying...

the title for the post was taken from the cigarettes Worrick smokes

worrick smokes too much

too much!~

didn't take screencaps of Delico. but he's cool even though he is a D rank.

also got more screencaps when watching Yu yu Hakusho

guess who?

Utsukushi Suzuki

he looks so much better here without his silly clown getup

am glad i don't mind such anime story line, with stages of fighting and getting to see different opponents.

the words read on his jacket is "Health is Number 1"
meaning health is important
usually it is an quan di yi in mandarin or Safety is Number 1


managed to find these 2 gacha keychains

Urameshi and Kuwabara

so cute ok, i couldn't resist anyway.


need to remember to save money for next week!

if i do see some nice prints might get them.

try to cut down on badges and keychains..

more prints!! support pretty art from talented people

changed the layout a few times~
this is the one with the bridge

rustic feel

then i recently got the modern house

modern tower suits the modern house
but still can't find the maid cat..

more kitties

meow meow meow...

will update again next week~!

time is flying~