29 June 2016

end of the month

still have not gotten the schedule for next month

hmm.... let's hope everything goes well for it!~

getting pretty hyped for the upcoming concerts..

Congratulations to Ryuta and his up coming marriage...

so good how they managed to keep his personal life under wraps so well.

i would want to have my privacy if i was as famous too.

i managed to get a good number of books at the library today

Emperor of the Eight Islands (1), Horrorstor, The Selection(1)
the (1) represents that it's the first in a series.

decided to borrow The Selection on a whim.

i shall see how it goes.

so glad i managed to find Emperor of the Eight Islands by Lian Hearn

it's a 4 books series, it's historical fiction something i will usually avoid but still want to try.

what i'm reading at the moment at home
i imagine that's how Hazel Motes dresses, with the hat and the suit

the way the people dress in 'Doing it to Death' music video just looks really cool

not sure how i feel about the novel but i just like the way it's written.

it's really easy to read, the topic however is abit more touchy since it is about faith.

next month end is also going to be mad... i think it should probably be the start of next month which is less than a day

July 2016 is probably going to be named worldwide Harry Potter month

i will try to blog a little more next month because the masses have reduced less since the holiday period is over, but since it's going to be Harry Potter month next i think it will have no difference in my opinion honestly.

hope i won't be sounding so dismal in my next post...

currently waiting for more books coming out by next month end

and shall see i shall decide to do some kind of book haul? hmmm...

i really like her makeup here... although the song is typical EDM i like her vocal tone.

Scars - Alesso ft. Ryan Tedder