maybe if i were to set the rules there wouldn't be a need for festive days since everyday should be equal, for showing love and care every time.
ok, any how i'm supposed to be back to update how the past weeks went.
it was good.
the lunar new year passed without much change.
some updates
happy new year from Daichi and Suga |
the outerwear week |
rarely feel the need to wear outerwear but recently i've been feeling cold.
hope i don't fall sick again
lawyer bag |
funny story, a stranger asked me if i could give them the chicken.
i rejected politely though.
i mean, it's just intriguing how complete strangers can come up to you and ask such questions.
makes me dislike too much human interaction, you realise everyone is as weird as you.
in a rush so the slippers |
i quite like it.
delicious sweater |
which is quite cute to way to describe clothing
book 4 and 5 of the series |
really enjoy this series, though it's less known
hopefully i can get back into reading again, the previous month has been quite pathetic