24 July 2017

gintama live action film

I went for the preview show for the Gintama film last Saturday.

It was really enjoyable, I think if anyone were to watch it they should at least watch the first few ep or at least until the Benizakura arc of the anime beforehand to get an idea of how the show is.

Full of parody and puns, the actors did a good job portraying the characters.
Especially the veterans, the sword fighting scenes were quite good too.

decorated my bag with gintama badges and small charms

there were quite alot of people cosplaying too.

had cheesy chicken sausages pasta for lunch
haven't tried the new menu yet.

miss this quite abit.

Gintoki would approve
very filling and great to share.
had this at St Marc's cafe

went to check out Daiso and they have alot of new stuff
note pads
they have alot of summer related items

Oh Pine you're so fine, you blow my mind Hey Pine Apple, Pine Apple!

the stickers are cute too
was really tempted to get it though

why have just a display when you can light it up?
cactus shaped candles, look so pricking cute

Daruma, Fortune Cat and Racoon spirit mini plush

these were cute too.

tonkotsu ramen for dinner

well, will try to update again this weekend