i went to catch the live action Tokyo Ghoul film, and i must say it is really good.
was not expecting it to be as good as the Gintama film but for the pacing and story arc they have done well to impress me.
i would say there is no need for a second movie as the ending ties up most of the loose ends.
i really think the selling point was Masataka Kubota's acting since the show's main focus was more on the character growth of his character Kaneki.
while i read and also watched the anime, so i already have the sense of how the character is like beforehand.
the cgi was still quite good.
here are some pictures i took that day.
tokyo ghoul ita bag |
mostly i but Uta but i do like the other side characters, i like Amon and Juuzo
had a craving for the ramen and the parfait that i had the previous time i watched Gintama, so i went again!
spicy tonkotsu ramen |
the yuzu honey tea is really refreshing too
mango 😋😋 |
i recieved a present too, a Uta badge
Uta badge! |
i bought quite a number of manga the past week, so far the newest edition to the Suga shrine is the new vol, 27 Haikyuu manga
😝 |
adding more and more to the shrine in time to come
maybe i should do a update on it the end of the year