12 October 2017

off days are to refresh and rejuvenate

at least that's where i want to be in state of mind.

also, they are the days that are used to do other things.

had a moment of wishy washy-ness the past days.

need to come up with a itinerary or plan for Saturday.

recently i have been listening to SID's new album, Nomad.

been a few years that i've not listened to them, so good!

makes me really miss their sound.

i think they should go for another overseas tour soon, sadly i missed them when they came here in 2013.

that was really quite some time ago.

i really like Futsu no Kiseki, Nomad, Butterfly Effect and Shitsuke

the whole album is still great too! 

now i can't wait for coldrain's fateless album!

i can't wait for the concerts to come!~

will update again next week...