04 June 2018

more music

really like this!

enjoyed their concert last year too!

the bridge is so good.

i wish i could simultaneously listen to songs at a single time.

i feel the sudden need to spend hours straight now to just go hunting for music.


the acoustic sounds lovely.

so glad more people are starting to appreciate this kind of style.

i like this cover. his voice is really good.

SOIL & PIMP session ft. Daichi Miura

this is a familiar kind of feeling that i get when i'm listening to Suchmos..

didn't know he was on the singing show, his voice is really good!

wish she could do a collab with SID, this song gives off the jazz feels that is so reminiscent of the older songs of SID...

as usual, superfly powerful vocals give the song so much emotions

don't listen to alot of their songs, but i quite like this.