14 September 2009

a bright and sunny afternoon..

perfect for a picnic in the park. or a swim in the pool. a cone of ice-cream. a time to sleep on a lazy afternoon. frankly speaking, today isn't one of my best days. but i will try to make tomorrow a better one than today.
it's only the beginning of my holidays and yet i feel as though i have had enough of it. is there anything i can use to make me feel better? this suddenly dawned upon me why i feel that my blog is so boring. because i always talk to myself, (or in this case; type to myself) and it's like a one-man show.
my mood has just sunk even lower into the abyss again.

Don't fear failure so much that you refuse to try new things.
The saddest summary of a life contains three descriptions: could have, might have, and should have.
-Louis E. Boone

i will try to keep that in mind.