22 August 2011

the day after...

how was your week everyone?


for those who had slogged much at work, school and everything else under the sun...

and didn't have a chance to get to Suntec for the annual event of the year, fret not!

i, like many other bloggers will provide u the stuff u want to know!


ok, but i'm not starting to recap on how my yesterday was.

though it was Awesome! i have no time and mood is abit off to write now.

so i will come again in a few days (maybe tmr?) to blog about it...

my mood's off coz i only just found out about Natsu Matsuri 2011 that has just passed!

i missed it~! >.<

i've seen many reviews from other ppl that it's a must-go kinda event in SG.

and its a bigger + if you are very into Japanese stuff...


it was on 20/08...

and to learn that the entry was only $2...
still can rent yukata ($2) and obi($1) leh!


so sad that i missed this super cool opportunity...

summore judging by the pics, it looks like everyone is having so much FUN...


ok, but i console myself since i went to STGCC so its ok.. >.<

still feel sad, why i didn't find out about matsuri earlier...

how others get info faster than me about these type of events leh?


shall be back soon-ish to cover on my stgcc outing!!

about 2 months + to AFA!

another Major MAJOR event!!

shall drop a hint to the big highlight of my haul ystdy:

neko stares at u~

this is a big hint!! :D hees