10 November 2012

just wanted to share

plenty songs!

though i thought i wouldn't hear their songs much..

but since i heard their audio preview for their new EP..
the one with the heavy guitars and all..

just thought i will try to hear their older songs...

must say i'm getting accustomed to fumiya's vocal range now...

i think it's around the alto range...

i think PIKO can go a higher range than him..

Hitotsu Sayonara

the video or rather song ends so abruptly.. i wished it was longer..
the videos rather odd though

Aoki hibi

Fumiya singing without the BGM...

Katamuita Sora

he's so cute in here!
randomly brushing teeth..
and looking like he wants to be over with the recording..


oh and i'[m currently in love with Galileo Galilei's Imaginary Friends..

such a feel good song..

shall put BBB short hair pv here...

i really wanna have short hair again..

and Yusuke's singing, i miss it too..

and my all time fave song, changes


tomorrow's the day!

can't wait!

shall end with Primadonna!

she uses her "head voice" which is really nice..
it's a term used during the choir days...

ok, bye!~