05 August 2016

august flies

this is going to be a personal post...

this will most probably be ideas and thoughts scrambled in my mind and just pouring out in this mumbo jumbo post.

with regards to relations and certain interactions this song were currently speaking what i feel alot the past couple of months

the other song is called Hollow also by coldrain.

i think it's time that i start writing a diary or be more open on writing more personal stuff here.

maybe i shall post privately if need be.

i keep alot of things bottled up and it's not good at all.

just want to see how long i can keep up with this. but in the right mind i should do what's best for me and maybe on the bigger picture to do what's best for the whole team since everyone needs to co-operate to get things done.

that's what rising up to the challenge means. change is constant, and i want to be a better person so it's good to embrace certain changes. Changes in environment and inward changes are two kinds that can be done for the better (or worse?)

i can see how resolutions and appraisals are similar, the fact they get you to set a target and review if you met it in the past year and also create more new targets for self improvement.

sometimes i feel that within the midst of all the little changes to improve i'm afraid i change my character which makes me more vulnerable, but then again i say i'm just human and we all are tiny beings in a wide universe. it's alright to be vulnerable, with the changes going about everyday like time, it waits for no one, i just want to be in time and still be glad to know that the core of me is still as original and still me.

will i lose my real self with change?
as i get older i let myself be less self conscious as i tend to be in the younger days.
although sometimes it comes back to me later and i overthink.

writing is a good therapy for me, ever since i was introduced to it in Primary school.
introvert help tip - writing helps! write about your day, come up with any fictional premise, compose music and lyrics... anything that helps to keep the blues away!!

find your source of cheer! for me that's writing!

sometimes watching Bob Ross painting videos help me feel calm.

this month seems to be springing off its feet the moment it landed!
i have to do my best with coping with change and being the change i want~